Friday, November 7, 2014

Changes Happen

Is a revamp on the horizon for Little World Called Wonderland? What about its baby, Little Wonderland?

I don't know. But I've been thinking about it.

The rabbit hole has really thrown me for the loop because things are not as crazy. I'm happy and content and things aren't as crazy.

When I started this blog, my husband and I were both unemployed and had recently moved in with the in-laws. I was sick physically and mentally. I burned toast and had no space to create. Wonderland did not look so wonderful to me.

And now? My husband is doing great in his job and I'm running a tiny business that consists of two craft shops and an on-location photography gig. I also write for video-game mods, which has always been a dream of mine. No, I do not turn much of a profit with any of these things at this moment. However, I am finally feeling fulfilled with what I'm doing with my time. I've gone from an unintentional college dropout to someone I feel like my mom could be proud of! Isn't that what really matters?

I've finally gotten a grasp on the diet required for a life without a gallbladder - something that took me over a year. I have also been able to manage my other health issues. I've stabilized my B12, which I began to have issues absorbing after my surgery and have gotten to my first short-term weight-loss goal that I set after my surgery (20 lbs down!).

Keeping busy, having my own space, losing weight, feeling fulfilled - all of this have contributed to me dealing with my depression. I'm genuinely happy right now. Even with the approaching winter, I'm beyond happy with my life.

But joy doesn't teach you to cook. Especially when you cook for a picky husband. Don't let the recipes posted on this blog fool you because there are so many failed experiments in between the successes. The toast may not get burnt (as often) but I am by no means the chef that the rest of my family is. I've descended from a long line of amazing cooks. My mom and step-dad even played with the idea of opening a restaurant at one time. So why can't I cook? Because I always had people cooking for me. The whole first year of our marriage, I even had the hubs cooking for me. Now, however, I am making a conscious effort to learn how to cook. My goal is to get us less dependent on Walmart and more dependent on raw ingredients. I'm learning to bake my own bread products and gardening in-doors during these winter months. In the long run, this will be beneficial to our health as well as our pockets.

Don't even get me started on how I'm trying to get us slightly off the grid. I've already got our electricity bill down to about $55 last month!

I'm not cutting corners just to reduce our carbon footprint, but also because we are working with a very tight budget. Like pasta almost everyday and eggs are a special purchase kind of budget. However, during the time with the in-laws and the sick time in the bachelor pad of the damned (seriously the worst place in the world...I don't know how the hubs lived there) I accumulated a lot of crafting supplies from gifts or small projects I attempted. So now I'm able to put those supplies to use and decorate our new home with a next to nothing budget!

Wonderland is starting to look pretty wonderful.

As my life evolves, I have begun to realize that "Little World Called Wonderland" is a really f-ing long blog name. Really long. And "Little Wonderland" is so overused from kids' daycare to other blogs. I want to stay with the Wonderland theme for the blog...but shorter and sweeter and to the point and a summation of everything my blog consists of. Is that too much to ask? Also, my two shops are two different that maybe they shouldn't have the same name? I'm not sure...about anything.

So let's sum things up.

Is a revamp on the horizon for Little World Called Wonderland? What about its baby, Little Wonderland?

I don't know. But I've been thinking about it.

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