Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Life Lately Via Instagram

Since I haven't posted very well since...oh January...if not earlier...I've decided it's time to play a little catch up.

I still can't cook, but at least my husband can! Oh, and I started building Hogwarts in Minecraft.

 I found the perfect coffee mug. Watched as Lulu played games in her sleep. Oh, and I failed making a pumpkin cake

 I lost some weight. I made a Santa hat. And I found the perfect hot chocolate!

 The husband had a birthday. I saw the second Hobbit movie. I made a crochet Minecraft cube.

 I got geekier in my creations. I was reminded of how amazing my husband is. We moved!

 I lost a little more weight. New coffee pot! I became super busy with work.

 The kitties were brought to the new house. I got a tattoo! Kulu has become far too comfy causing trouble.

 I donated my hair to Locks of Love. I put blue streaks in it. Went for sushi and green tea with my mom.

 It was a harsher Winter than I would have liked. I curled my hair for the first time in forever. I was reminded why I love my little family.

 Things got frustrating around the house...for everyone. I found a pair of socks that look like Jack from Rooster Teeth. Oh, and I planted some stuff!

 I really flexed my nerdcrafting muscles. I bought a new sewing machine. More sushi!

 Played with my hair again. Finished putting together the office, then moved it later. Drew a picture of Kulu.

 I crocheted a dress. I saw a fossil in KFC. My husband bought me so many awesome shirts!

 Put Kulu back in his bowtie. Bought a new lamp for my new office. Planted lilies outside my new home!

 I grew some stuff. I MADE A PEACH COBBLER FROM SCRATCH! Oh, and I did the hair thing again.

 I got into the Halloween spirit. Husband bought me some much needed ice cream. We have a fire pit now!

 That catches everyone up to about a month ago when my phone gave out. The camera won't work and I can't open the majority of my apps. For awhile I would joke and say that it was only good as an alarm clock...but now the damned thing is losing time! Hopefully soon I'll be back in the Instagram game!