I'm not ashamed to say it: I don't like fall. It's cold. Things are dying. It just kinda sucks.
I do, however, love anything fall flavored. You know what sorts I mean: pumpkins, cinnamon,
dead leaves...that sort of thing. That's where
Stash comes in. I came across this tea in my local Wal-Mart and picked up their chai spice black tea. I thought the flavor sounded yummy...
fall-ish. Now, I must say, I'm addicted!It's a perfect blend of smooth and spice with the caffeine I require to function. It doesn't hurt that it hasn't given my husband a headache like most other tea brands I've tried.
I love it and would definitely recommend it to anyone else looking for a fall flavored tea.
I'm writing this because I happened to try the product and enjoyed it. All opinions are my own.