Tuesday, January 27, 2015

YouTube Tuesday

Whenever I go on a Minecraft binge, I can never just play Minecraft. I always have to have something else playing in the background. Usually I opt for Let's Plays or Podcasts, but lately I've been choosing something that sort of falls in the middle.

The Far Lands or Bust series features a Let's Player who has decided that he is going to undertake the journey to the "far lands" of the beta version of Minecraft. He has even decided to make it into a walk-a-thon to raise money for Child's Play.

Child's Play is a fundraiser that raises money for books, games, and toys for hospitalized children. Since 2011, Far Lands or Bust has raised over $200,000 for Child's Play!

As he walks, Kurtjmac talks about everything from astronomy to Minecraft news to fan questions!

And he's a Doctor Who fan, so that helps. =)