Friday, July 4, 2014

SurfsUpVoxBox: SinfulColors Pofessional Nail Polish

Cheap nail polish is the bane of my existence. I like to find the best price for quality, but when it comes to nail polish, how much quality do you really expect for less than $2.00? Typically for that price you get watery and thin polish that requires three...four...six coats. So you can imagine my surprise when I gave SinfulColors a try, which would ring up at $1.99 at Walgreens, and it took ONE COAT to get great color! That picture of my lovely toes: one coat. Just one. Also, it lasted a good while on my clumsy feet before it chipped. I was very happy with it and would definitely like to purchase it in other colors.

I received these products for complimentary testing purposes from Influenster. All opinions are my own.